11 Jul 2017
 | 11 Jul 2017
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal CP but the revision was not accepted.

Does Belgian Holocene speleothem records solar forcing and cold events?

Mohammed Allan, Adrien Deliège, Sophie Verheyden, Samuel Nicolay, Yves Quinif, and Nathalie Fagel

Abstract. We present a decadal-centennial scale Holocene climate record based on trace elements contents from a 65 cm stalagmite (Père Noël) from Belgian Père Noël cave. Père Noël (PN) stalagmite covers the last 12.7 ka according to U/Th dating. High spatial resolution measurements of trace elements (Sr, Ba, Mg and Al) were done by Laser-Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Trace elements profiles were interpreted as environmental and climate changes in the Han-sur-Lesse region. Power spectrum estimators and continuous wavelet transform were applied on trace elements time series to detect any statistically significant periodicities in the PN stalagmite. Spectral analyses reveal decadal to millennial periodicities (i.e., 68–75, 133–136, 198–209, 291–358, 404–602, 912–1029 and 2365–2670 yr) in the speleothem record. Results were compared to reconstructed sunspot number data to determine whether solar signal is presents in PN speleothem. The occurrence of significant solar periodicities (i.e., cycles of Gleissberg, de Vries, unnamed 500 years, Eddy and Hallstat) supports for an impact of solar forcing on PN speleothem trace elements contents. Moreover, several intervals of significant rapid climate change were detected during the Holocene at 10.3, 9.3–9.5, around 8.2, 6.4–6.2, 4.7–4.5, and around 2.7 ka BP. Those intervals are similar to the cold events evidenced in different natural paleoclimate archivers, suggesting common climate forcing mechanisms related to changes in solar irradiance.

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Mohammed Allan, Adrien Deliège, Sophie Verheyden, Samuel Nicolay, Yves Quinif, and Nathalie Fagel
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Mohammed Allan, Adrien Deliège, Sophie Verheyden, Samuel Nicolay, Yves Quinif, and Nathalie Fagel
Mohammed Allan, Adrien Deliège, Sophie Verheyden, Samuel Nicolay, Yves Quinif, and Nathalie Fagel


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Short summary
Père Noël (PN) stalagmite covers the last 12.7 ka according to U/Th dating. High spatial resolution measurements of trace elements (Sr, Ba, Mg and Al) were done by LA-ICP-MS, The trace element time-series of the PN speleothem reveals a significant correlation with sunspot number records, suggesting some solar forcing in the PN trace elemental records, speleothem trace element profiles may be considered as a new solar activity proxy on decadal-centennial timescales over the Holocene.