Articles | Volume 20, issue 10
Research article
22 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 22 Oct 2024

Dynamical downscaling and data assimilation for a cold-air outbreak in the European Alps during the Year Without a Summer of 1816

Peter Stucki, Lucas Pfister, Yuri Brugnara, Renate Varga, Chantal Hari, and Stefan Brönnimann

Data sets

Dynamical downscaling and data assimilation for a cold-air outbreak in the European Alps during the Year Without Summer 1816 Peter Stucki

The International Surface Pressure Databank version 4 G. P. Compo et al.

Swiss Early Meteorological Observations v2.0 Yuri Brugnara

Early instrumental air pressure and temperature measurements for Rovereto and Bolzano/Bozen (1800-1873) Yuri Brugnara et al.

20th Century Reanalysis Project Ensemble Gateway National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)

Model code and software

Dynamical downscaling and data assimilation for a cold-air outbreak in the European Alps during the Year Without Summer 1816 Peter Stucki

WRFDA users page, Tools National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

suncalc: Compute Sun Position, Sunlight Phases, Moon Position and Lunar Phase Benoit Thieurmel and Achraf Elmarhraoui

Short summary
In our work, we reconstruct the weather of the extremely cold and wet summer in 1816 using a weather forecasting model to obtain high-resolution, three-dimensional weather simulations. We refine our simulations with surface pressure and temperature observations, representing a novel approach for this period. Our results show that this approach yields detailed and accurate weather reconstructions, opening the door to analyzing past weather events and their impacts in detail.