Articles | Volume 20, issue 8
Research article
02 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 02 Aug 2024

Documentary evidence of urban droughts and their impact in the eastern Netherlands: the cases of Deventer and Zutphen, 1500–1795

Dániel Johannes Moerman

Data sets

Table S1: Overview of drought events from Deventer (D) and Zutphen (Z), 1500-1795 Dániel Johannes Moerman

Winter and Summer Temperatures for the Netherlands, 751-2000 [data set] A. F. V. Van Engelen, et al.

Dataset_Drought_HSDS_Dev_Zut_Moerman_2022 Dániel Johannes Moerman

Short summary
This article provides a first look into the impact of drought in two cities in the eastern Netherlands from 1500 to 1795 on the basis of municipal records. It concludes that the impact of drought was sometimes similar but also different for both cities when focusing on specific aspects, such as water shortage and navigation. This strengthens the view that the impact of droughts could differ highly on a local level, which necessitates more emphasis on regional and local drought reconstructions.