Articles | Volume 20, issue 7
Research article
29 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 29 Jul 2024

Interaction between the East Asian summer monsoon and westerlies as shown by tree-ring records

Shengchun Xiao, Xiaomei Peng, Quanyan Tian, Aijun Ding, Jiali Xie, and Jingrong Su


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Short summary
Tree rings of Qinghai spruce are a good record of regional climate change. The influence of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) and westerlies on regional dry–wet climate changes is characterized by spatiotemporal heterogeneity. The most dramatic interplay between EASM and westerlies is observed in the Helan Mountains. Regional climate changes around the Changling Mountains are most influenced by EASM and around Dongda Mountain most influenced by westerlies.