Articles | Volume 19, issue 11
Research article
10 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 10 Nov 2023

The Antarctic Ice Core Chronology 2023 (AICC2023) chronological framework and associated timescale for the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dome C ice core

Marie Bouchet, Amaëlle Landais, Antoine Grisart, Frédéric Parrenin, Frédéric Prié, Roxanne Jacob, Elise Fourré, Emilie Capron, Dominique Raynaud, Vladimir Ya Lipenkov, Marie-France Loutre, Thomas Extier, Anders Svensson, Etienne Legrain, Patricia Martinerie, Markus Leuenberger, Wei Jiang, Florian Ritterbusch, Zheng-Tian Lu, and Guo-Min Yang

Data sets

The Antarctic ice core chronology (AICC2023) M. Bouchet, A. Landais, A. Grisart, F. Parrenin, F. Prié, R. Jacob, E. Fourré, E. Capron, D. Raynaud, V. Y. Lipenkov, M.-F. Loutre, T. Extier, A. M. Svensson, P. Martinerie, M. C. Leuenberger, W. Jiang, F. Ritterbusch, Z.-T. Lu, and G.-M. Yang

δO2/N2 and δ18O of O2 from EPICA Dome C ice core (Antarctica) (0-800 ka) M. Bouchet, A. Grisart, A. Landais, F. Prié, R. Jacob, E. and Fourré

Model code and software

AICC2023 dating experiment using Paleochrono model M. Bouchet, F. Parrenin, and A. Landais

Short summary
A new federative chronology for five deep polar ice cores retrieves 800 000 years of past climate variations with improved accuracy. Precise ice core timescales are key to studying the mechanisms linking changes in the Earth’s orbit to the diverse climatic responses (temperature and atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations). To construct the chronology, new measurements from the oldest continuous ice core as well as glaciological modeling estimates were combined in a statistical model.