Articles | Volume 19, issue 10
Research article
26 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 26 Oct 2023

Disentangling environmental drivers of subarctic dinocyst assemblage compositional change during the Holocene

Sabrina Hohmann, Michal Kucera, and Anne de Vernal

Data sets

Record of dinocyst assemblage compositions from sediment core GeoB19927-3 during the Holocene Sabrina Hohmann

Model code and software

Supplementary for "Disentangling environmental drivers of Subarctic dinocyst assemblage compositional change during the Holocene" Sabrina Hohmann

Short summary
Drivers for dinocyst assemblage compositions differ regionally and through time. Shifts in the assemblages can sometimes only be interpreted robustly by locally and sometimes globally calibrated transfer functions, questioning the reliability of environmental reconstructions. We suggest the necessity of a thorough evaluation of transfer function performance and significance for downcore applications to disclose the drivers for present and fossil dinocyst assemblages in a studied core location.