Articles | Volume 19, issue 10
Research article
10 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 10 Oct 2023

Estimating summer sea ice extent in the Weddell Sea during the early 19th century

Eleanor Love and Grant R. Bigg

Data sets

Documentary extracts from journals of Weddell Sea voyages, 1820-1843 (Version 1.0) E. Love and G. R. Bigg

Short summary
Over recent decades, opposite trends in sea ice extent have been found between the Arctic and Antarctic. However, early Antarctic expeditions provide much information regarding sea ice. Here summer sea ice positions recorded during 1820–1843 have been compared to recent satellite observations. The key findings of this study indicate a 19th century summer northernmost sea ice latitude in much of the Weddell Sea that was further north than during the modern era.