Articles | Volume 19, issue 8
Research article
25 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 25 Aug 2023

Late Aptian paleoclimate reconstruction of the Brazilian equatorial margin: inferences from palynology

Michelle Cardoso da Silva Giannerini, Marcelo de Araujo Carvalho, Cecília Cunha Lana, Gustavo Santiago, Natália de Paula Sá, and Gabriel da Cunha Correia

Cited articles

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Short summary
This study analyzed ancient climate patterns using plant fossils called palynomorphs. We identified 69 different palynomorphs from different plant groups (e.g., ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms) and used statistical methods to support our findings. We found a trend towards increased humidity, likely influenced by a weather phenomenon called the Intertropical Convergence Zone.