Articles | Volume 19, issue 8
Research article
17 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 17 Aug 2023

An age scale for new climate records from Sherman Island, West Antarctica

Isobel Rowell, Carlos Martin, Robert Mulvaney, Helena Pryer, Dieter Tetzner, Emily Doyle, Hara Madhav Talasila, Jilu Li, and Eric Wolff

Data sets

Sherman Island Rapid Access Isotope Drill sample data on depth and age scale: stable water isotopes and major ion concentrations I. Rowell, R. Mulvaney, E. W. Wolff, C. Martìn, D. Tetzner, H. Pryer, and J. Rix

Short summary
We present an age scale for a new type of ice core from a vulnerable region in West Antarctic, which is lacking in longer-term (greater than a few centuries) ice core records. The Sherman Island core extends to greater than 1 kyr. We provide modelling evidence for the potential of a 10 kyr long core. We show that this new type of ice core can be robustly dated and that climate records from this core will be a significant addition to existing regional climate records.