Articles | Volume 19, issue 7
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© Author(s) 2023. This work is distributed under
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the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Disparate energy sources for slow and fast Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles
Diederik Liebrand
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of
Manchester, Williamson Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, United
British Ocean Sediment COre Research Facility (BOSCORF), National
Oceanography Centre, European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, United Kingdom
Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM), University of
Bremen, Klagenfurter Straße 4, 28359 Bremen, Germany
Anouk T. M. de Bakker
Unit of Marine and Coastal Systems, Deltares, Boussinesqweg 1, 2629 HV
Delft, the Netherlands
Heather J. H. Johnstone
Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM), University of
Bremen, Klagenfurter Straße 4, 28359 Bremen, Germany
Charlotte S. Miller
Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM), University of
Bremen, Klagenfurter Straße 4, 28359 Bremen, Germany
Related authors
Kasia K. Śliwińska, Helen K. Coxall, David K. Hutchinson, Diederik Liebrand, Stefan Schouten, and Agatha M. de Boer
Clim. Past, 19, 123–140,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
We provide a sea surface temperature record from the Labrador Sea (ODP Site 647) based on organic geochemical proxies across the late Eocene and early Oligocene. Our study reveals heterogenic cooling of the Atlantic. The cooling of the North Atlantic is difficult to reconcile with the active Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). We discuss possible explanations like uncertainty in the data, paleogeography and atmospheric CO2 boundary conditions, model weaknesses, and AMOC activity.
Anna Joy Drury, Diederik Liebrand, Thomas Westerhold, Helen M. Beddow, David A. Hodell, Nina Rohlfs, Roy H. Wilkens, Mitchell Lyle, David B. Bell, Dick Kroon, Heiko Pälike, and Lucas J. Lourens
Clim. Past, 17, 2091–2117,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
We use the first high-resolution southeast Atlantic carbonate record to see how climate dynamics evolved since 30 million years ago (Ma). During ~ 30–13 Ma, eccentricity (orbital circularity) paced carbonate deposition. After the mid-Miocene Climate Transition (~ 14 Ma), precession (Earth's tilt direction) increasingly drove carbonate variability. In the latest Miocene (~ 8 Ma), obliquity (Earth's tilt) pacing appeared, signalling increasing high-latitude influence.
Diederik Liebrand and Anouk T. M. de Bakker
Clim. Past, 15, 1959–1983,,, 2019
Short summary
Short summary
We present a new analysis and interpretation of a well-established climate record that spans the past 5 million years. We describe how the energy the Earth receives from the Sun is transferred among climate cycles with different duration. This analysis offers new insights into the complex evolution of the global climate system and land-ice volumes during this time. Furthermore, it provides a more complete solution to the long-standing 40 000- and ~100 000-year problems of the ice ages.
Helen M. Beddow, Diederik Liebrand, Douglas S. Wilson, Frits J. Hilgen, Appy Sluijs, Bridget S. Wade, and Lucas J. Lourens
Clim. Past, 14, 255–270,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
We present two astronomy-based timescales for climate records from the Pacific Ocean. These records range from 24 to 22 million years ago, a time period when Earth was warmer than today and the only land ice was located on Antarctica. We use tectonic plate-pair spreading rates to test the two timescales, which shows that the carbonate record yields the best timescale. In turn, this implies that Earth’s climate system and carbon cycle responded slowly to changes in incoming solar radiation.
Kasia K. Śliwińska, Helen K. Coxall, David K. Hutchinson, Diederik Liebrand, Stefan Schouten, and Agatha M. de Boer
Clim. Past, 19, 123–140,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
We provide a sea surface temperature record from the Labrador Sea (ODP Site 647) based on organic geochemical proxies across the late Eocene and early Oligocene. Our study reveals heterogenic cooling of the Atlantic. The cooling of the North Atlantic is difficult to reconcile with the active Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). We discuss possible explanations like uncertainty in the data, paleogeography and atmospheric CO2 boundary conditions, model weaknesses, and AMOC activity.
Anna Joy Drury, Diederik Liebrand, Thomas Westerhold, Helen M. Beddow, David A. Hodell, Nina Rohlfs, Roy H. Wilkens, Mitchell Lyle, David B. Bell, Dick Kroon, Heiko Pälike, and Lucas J. Lourens
Clim. Past, 17, 2091–2117,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
We use the first high-resolution southeast Atlantic carbonate record to see how climate dynamics evolved since 30 million years ago (Ma). During ~ 30–13 Ma, eccentricity (orbital circularity) paced carbonate deposition. After the mid-Miocene Climate Transition (~ 14 Ma), precession (Earth's tilt direction) increasingly drove carbonate variability. In the latest Miocene (~ 8 Ma), obliquity (Earth's tilt) pacing appeared, signalling increasing high-latitude influence.
Annette Hahn, Enno Schefuß, Jeroen Groeneveld, Charlotte Miller, and Matthias Zabel
Clim. Past, 17, 345–360,,, 2021
Diederik Liebrand and Anouk T. M. de Bakker
Clim. Past, 15, 1959–1983,,, 2019
Short summary
Short summary
We present a new analysis and interpretation of a well-established climate record that spans the past 5 million years. We describe how the energy the Earth receives from the Sun is transferred among climate cycles with different duration. This analysis offers new insights into the complex evolution of the global climate system and land-ice volumes during this time. Furthermore, it provides a more complete solution to the long-standing 40 000- and ~100 000-year problems of the ice ages.
Paul E. Olsen, John W. Geissman, Dennis V. Kent, George E. Gehrels, Roland Mundil, Randall B. Irmis, Christopher Lepre, Cornelia Rasmussen, Dominique Giesler, William G. Parker, Natalia Zakharova, Wolfram M. Kürschner, Charlotte Miller, Viktoria Baranyi, Morgan F. Schaller, Jessica H. Whiteside, Douglas Schnurrenberger, Anders Noren, Kristina Brady Shannon, Ryan O'Grady, Matthew W. Colbert, Jessie Maisano, David Edey, Sean T. Kinney, Roberto Molina-Garza, Gerhard H. Bachman, Jingeng Sha, and the CPCD team
Sci. Dril., 24, 15–40,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
The Colorado Plateau Coring Project-1 recovered ~ 850 m of core in three holes at two sites in the Triassic fluvial strata of Petrified Forest National Park, AZ, USA. The cores have abundant zircon, U-Pb dateable layers (210–241 Ma) that along with magnetic polarity stratigraphy, validate the eastern US-based Newark-Hartford astrochronology and timescale, while also providing temporal and environmental context for the vast geological archives of the Triassic of western North America.
Helen M. Beddow, Diederik Liebrand, Douglas S. Wilson, Frits J. Hilgen, Appy Sluijs, Bridget S. Wade, and Lucas J. Lourens
Clim. Past, 14, 255–270,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
We present two astronomy-based timescales for climate records from the Pacific Ocean. These records range from 24 to 22 million years ago, a time period when Earth was warmer than today and the only land ice was located on Antarctica. We use tectonic plate-pair spreading rates to test the two timescales, which shows that the carbonate record yields the best timescale. In turn, this implies that Earth’s climate system and carbon cycle responded slowly to changes in incoming solar radiation.
Related subject area
Subject: Teleconnections | Archive: Ice Cores | Timescale: Millenial/D-O
Bipolar volcanic synchronization of abrupt climate change in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores during the last glacial period
Connecting the Greenland ice-core and U∕Th timescales via cosmogenic radionuclides: testing the synchroneity of Dansgaard–Oeschger events
An improved north–south synchronization of ice core records around the 41 kyr 10Be peak
Direct linking of Greenland and Antarctic ice cores at the Toba eruption (74 ka BP)
The last deglaciation: timing the bipolar seesaw
Anders Svensson, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Jørgen Peder Steffensen, Thomas Blunier, Sune O. Rasmussen, Bo M. Vinther, Paul Vallelonga, Emilie Capron, Vasileios Gkinis, Eliza Cook, Helle Astrid Kjær, Raimund Muscheler, Sepp Kipfstuhl, Frank Wilhelms, Thomas F. Stocker, Hubertus Fischer, Florian Adolphi, Tobias Erhardt, Michael Sigl, Amaelle Landais, Frédéric Parrenin, Christo Buizert, Joseph R. McConnell, Mirko Severi, Robert Mulvaney, and Matthias Bigler
Clim. Past, 16, 1565–1580,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
We identify signatures of large bipolar volcanic eruptions in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores during the last glacial period, which allows for a precise temporal alignment of the ice cores. Thereby the exact timing of unexplained, abrupt climatic changes occurring during the last glacial period can be determined in a global context. The study thus provides a step towards a full understanding of elements of the climate system that may also play an important role in the future.
Florian Adolphi, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Tobias Erhardt, R. Lawrence Edwards, Hai Cheng, Chris S. M. Turney, Alan Cooper, Anders Svensson, Sune O. Rasmussen, Hubertus Fischer, and Raimund Muscheler
Clim. Past, 14, 1755–1781,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
The last glacial period was characterized by a number of rapid climate changes seen, for example, as abrupt warmings in Greenland and changes in monsoon rainfall intensity. However, due to chronological uncertainties it is challenging to know how tightly coupled these changes were. Here we exploit cosmogenic signals caused by changes in the Sun and Earth magnetic fields to link different climate archives and improve our understanding of the dynamics of abrupt climate change.
Grant M. Raisbeck, Alexandre Cauquoin, Jean Jouzel, Amaelle Landais, Jean-Robert Petit, Vladimir Y. Lipenkov, Juerg Beer, Hans-Arno Synal, Hans Oerter, Sigfus J. Johnsen, Jorgen P. Steffensen, Anders Svensson, and Françoise Yiou
Clim. Past, 13, 217–229,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
Using records of a long-lived radioactive nuclide (10Be) that is formed globally in the atmosphere and deposited within a few years to the earth’s surface, we have synchronized three Antarctic ice cores to one from Greenland. This permits the climate and other environmental parameters registered in these ice cores to be put on a common timescale with a precision of a few decades, thus allowing different models and mechanisms associated with these parameters to be tested with the same precision.
A. Svensson, M. Bigler, T. Blunier, H. B. Clausen, D. Dahl-Jensen, H. Fischer, S. Fujita, K. Goto-Azuma, S. J. Johnsen, K. Kawamura, S. Kipfstuhl, M. Kohno, F. Parrenin, T. Popp, S. O. Rasmussen, J. Schwander, I. Seierstad, M. Severi, J. P. Steffensen, R. Udisti, R. Uemura, P. Vallelonga, B. M. Vinther, A. Wegner, F. Wilhelms, and M. Winstrup
Clim. Past, 9, 749–766,,, 2013
J. B. Pedro, T. D. van Ommen, S. O. Rasmussen, V. I. Morgan, J. Chappellaz, A. D. Moy, V. Masson-Delmotte, and M. Delmotte
Clim. Past, 7, 671–683,,, 2011
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Short summary
Climate cycles with millennial periodicities are enigmatic because no Earth external climate forcing exists that operates on millennial timescales. Using a statistical analysis of a famous Greenlandic air temperature record, we show that two disparate energy sources (one astronomical and one centennial) fuel millennial climate variability. We speculate that two distinct Earth internal cryospheric/climatic/oceanic processes are responsible for the transfer of energy to millennial climate cycles.
Climate cycles with millennial periodicities are enigmatic because no Earth external climate...