Articles | Volume 18, issue 10
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Millennial variability of terrigenous transport to the central–southern Peruvian margin during the last deglaciation (18–13 kyr BP)
IRD, LOCEAN-IPSL, Laboratoire d'Océanographie et du Climat:
Expérimentation et Approches Numériques, Sorbonne Université,
CNRS, IRD, MNHN, Paris, France
Bruno Turcq
IRD, LOCEAN-IPSL, Laboratoire d'Océanographie et du Climat:
Expérimentation et Approches Numériques, Sorbonne Université,
CNRS, IRD, MNHN, Paris, France
Sandrine Caquineau
IRD, LOCEAN-IPSL, Laboratoire d'Océanographie et du Climat:
Expérimentation et Approches Numériques, Sorbonne Université,
CNRS, IRD, MNHN, Paris, France
Renato Salvatteci
Center for Ocean and Society, Kiel University, 24105 Kiel, Germany
José Solis
Laboratorio de Ciencias del Mar, Facultad de Ciencias y
Filosofía, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
C. Gregory Skilbeck
Faculty of Science, University of Technology Sydney, P.O. Box 123
Broadway, Sydney, NSW, 2007, Australia
Federico Velazco
Dirección General de Investigaciones Oceanográficas y de
Cambio Climático, Instituto del Mar del Perú, Callao, Peru
Dimitri Gutiérrez
Laboratorio de Ciencias del Mar, Facultad de Ciencias y
Filosofía, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
Dirección General de Investigaciones Oceanográficas y de
Cambio Climático, Instituto del Mar del Perú, Callao, Peru
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David Noncent, Abdelfettah Sifeddine, Evens Emmanuel, Marie-Helene Cormier, Francisco J. Briceño-Zuluaga, Mercedes Mendez-Milan, Bruno Turcq, Sandrine Caquineau, Jorge Valdés, Juan Pablo Bernal, John W. King, Irina Djouraev, Fethiye Cetin, and Heather Sloan
EGUsphere,,, 2022
Preprint archived
Short summary
Short summary
The objective of this study is to reconstruct the climatic variability in Haiti during the last millennium using mineralogical and geochemical composition. We also seek to understand climate mechanisms and modes that could explain this variability. The results showed that Haiti has experienced long progressively drier periods over the past millennium. The rainy or dry periods in Haiti are linked to the average changes in the temperature of the oceans: Atlantic and Pacific, through oscillations.
Romina Llanos, Patricia Moreira-Turcq, Bruno Turcq, Raúl Espinoza Villar, Yizet Huaman, Thomas Condom, and Bram Willems
Biogeosciences Discuss.,,, 2022
Manuscript not accepted for further review
Short summary
Short summary
Our results highlight a marked decrease of high carbon accumulation rates in Andean peatlands over the last decades due to the diminution in melt water inflow generated by the retreat of glaciers as a consequence of regional warming. These marked changes stress the high ecological sensitivity of these peatlands, endangering their outstanding role in the regional (and even global) C cycle as large C sinks that contribute to the mitigation of global climate change.
Vincent Echevin, Manon Gévaudan, Dante Espinoza-Morriberón, Jorge Tam, Olivier Aumont, Dimitri Gutierrez, and François Colas
Biogeosciences, 17, 3317–3341,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
The coasts of Peru encompass the richest fisheries in the entire ocean. It is therefore very important for this country to understand how the nearshore marine ecosystem may evolve under climate change. Fine-scale numerical models are very useful because they can represent precisely the evolution of key parameters such as temperature, water oxygenation, and plankton biomass. Here we study the evolution of the Peruvian marine ecosystem in the 21st century under the worst-case climate scenario.
Claudia Di Biagio, Paola Formenti, Yves Balkanski, Lorenzo Caponi, Mathieu Cazaunau, Edouard Pangui, Emilie Journet, Sophie Nowak, Sandrine Caquineau, Meinrat O. Andreae, Konrad Kandler, Thuraya Saeed, Stuart Piketh, David Seibert, Earle Williams, and Jean-François Doussin
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 1901–1929,,, 2017
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Short summary
Modeling the interaction of dust with long-wave (LW) radiation is still a challenge due to the scarcity of information on their refractive index. In this paper, we present a unique dataset of dust refractive indices obtained from in situ measurements in a large smog chamber. Our results show that the dust LW refractive index varies strongly from source to source due to particle composition changes. We recommend taking this variability into account in climate and remote sensing applications.
Heitor Evangelista, Ilana Wainer, Abdelfettah Sifeddine, Thierry Corrège, Renato C. Cordeiro, Saulo Lamounier, Daniely Godiva, Chuan-Chou Shen, Florence Le Cornec, Bruno Turcq, Claire E. Lazareth, and Ching-Yi Hu
Biogeosciences, 13, 2379–2386,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
Recent Southern Hemisphere (SH) atmospheric circulation, predominantly driven by stratospheric ozone depletion over Antarctica, has caused changes in climate across the extratropics. We present evidence that the Brazilian coast may have been impacted from both wind and sea surface temperature changes derived from this process. Skeleton analysis of massive coral species living in shallow waters off Brazil are very sensitive to air–sea interactions and seem to record this process.
Francisco Javier Briceño-Zuluaga, Abdelfettah Sifeddine, Sandrine Caquineau, Jorge Cardich, Renato Salvatteci, Dimitri Gutierrez, Luc Ortlieb, Federico Velazco, Hugues Boucher, and Carine Machado
Clim. Past, 12, 787–798,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
Comparison between records reveals a coherent match between the meridional displacement of the ITCZ-SPSH system and the regional fluvial and aeolian terrigenous input variability. The aeolian input intensity and the anoxic conditions recorded by marine sediments showed a close link that suggests a common mechanism associated with SPSH displacement. Changes in sediment discharge to the continental shelf are linked to the southward displacement of the ITCZ-SPSH and Walker circulation.
C. Ehlert, P. Grasse, D. Gutiérrez, R. Salvatteci, and M. Frank
Clim. Past, 11, 187–202,,, 2015
C. Di Biagio, H. Boucher, S. Caquineau, S. Chevaillier, J. Cuesta, and P. Formenti
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 11093–11116,,, 2014
P. Formenti, S. Caquineau, K. Desboeufs, A. Klaver, S. Chevaillier, E. Journet, and J. L. Rajot
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 10663–10686,,, 2014
R. Salvatteci, D. Gutiérrez, D. Field, A. Sifeddine, L. Ortlieb, I. Bouloubassi, M. Boussafir, H. Boucher, and F. Cetin
Clim. Past, 10, 715–731,,, 2014
L. F. Prado, I. Wainer, C. M. Chiessi, M.-P. Ledru, and B. Turcq
Clim. Past, 9, 2117–2133,,, 2013
Related subject area
Subject: Atmospheric Dynamics | Archive: Marine Archives | Timescale: Millenial/D-O
Evolution of winter precipitation in the Nile river watershed since the last glacial
Vera Dorothee Meyer, Jürgen Pätzold, Gesine Mollenhauer, Isla S. Castañeda, Stefan Schouten, and Enno Schefuß
Clim. Past, 20, 523–546,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
The climatic factors sustaining vegetation in the Sahara during the African humid period (AHP) are still not fully understood. Using biomarkers in a marine sediment core from the eastern Mediterranean, we infer variations in Mediterranean (winter) and monsoonal (summer) rainfall in the Nile river watershed around the AHP. We find that winter and summer rain enhanced during the AHP, suggesting that Mediterranean moisture supported the monsoon in sustaining the “green Sahara”.
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Short summary
In the present work we reconstruct changes in river discharge and wind in Peru during the last deglaciation to understand the mechanisms that modulate changes in precipitation and winds during a period of global warming. We found that changes in river discharge and wind intensity in Peru were sensitive to high-latitude forcing (changes in the intensity of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation) and Walker circulation variations on a millennial timescale, respectively.
In the present work we reconstruct changes in river discharge and wind in Peru during the last...