Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Research article
 | Highlight paper
11 Mar 2019
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 11 Mar 2019

Late Miocene–Pliocene climate evolution recorded by the red clay cover on the Xiaoshuizi planation surface, NE Tibetan Plateau

Xiaomiao Li, Tingjiang Peng, Zhenhua Ma, Meng Li, Zhantao Feng, Benhong Guo, Hao Yu, Xiyan Ye, Zhengchuang Hui, Chunhui Song, and Jijun Li


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Short summary
Multiple proxies for the XSZ planation surface reveal that the climate was dry and stable during the late Miocene but became intermittently humid with more seasonality at 4.7–3.9 Ma. Regional climatic differences between the central and western CLP reveal that expansion of the paleo-EASM occurred during the early Pliocene. The warming of the high northern latitudes in response to the closure of the Panama Seaway may have been responsible for the thermodynamical enhancement of the paleo–EASM.