Articles | Volume 15, issue 1
Research article
26 Feb 2019
Research article |  | 26 Feb 2019

Interhemispheric effect of global geography on Earth's climate response to orbital forcing

Rajarshi Roychowdhury and Robert DeConto

Data sets

Interhemispheric Effect of Global Geography on Earth’s Climate Response to Orbital Forcing (GCM Outputs) R. Roychowdhury and R. M. DeConto

Short summary
The climate response of the Earth to orbital forcing shows a distinct hemispheric asymmetry, and one of the reasons can be ascribed to the unequal distribution of land in the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. We show that a land asymmetry effect (LAE) exists, and that it can be quantified. By using a GCM with a unique geographic setup, we illustrate that there are far-field influences of global geography that moderate or accentuate the Earth's response to orbital forcing.