Articles | Volume 14, issue 8
Research article
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20 Aug 2018
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 20 Aug 2018

Climate impact on the development of Pre-Classic Maya civilisation

Kees Nooren, Wim Z. Hoek, Brian J. Dermody, Didier Galop, Sarah Metcalfe, Gerald Islebe, and Hans Middelkoop


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 29 Jun 2024
Short summary
We present two new palaeoclimatic records for the central Maya lowlands, adding valuable new insights to the impact of climate change on the development of Maya civilisation. Lake Tuspan's diatom record is indicative of precipitation changes at a local scale, while a beach ridge elevation record from the world's largest late Holocene beach ridge plain provides a regional picture.