Articles | Volume 13, issue 7
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Palaeoclimate characteristics in interior Siberia of MIS 6–2: first insights from the Batagay permafrost mega-thaw slump in the Yana Highlands
Kseniia Ashastina
Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum, Research Station of Quaternary Palaeontology, Weimar, 99423, Germany
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Institute of Systematic Botany, Jena, 07743, Germany
Lutz Schirrmeister
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, 14471, Germany
Margret Fuchs
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Freiberg, 09599, Germany
Frank Kienast
Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum, Research Station of Quaternary Palaeontology, Weimar, 99423, Germany
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40 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Major and trace elements, δ13C, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Late Pleistocene ice wedges: A case-study of Batagay yedoma, Central Yakutia Y. Vasil'chuk et al. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104669
- Phylogeography of a west-Beringian endemic plant: An ancient seed of Stellaria jacutica Schischk. detected in permafrost deposits of the last interglacial F. Kienast et al. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2018.09.012
- Antiphase change in Walker Circulation between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean during the Last Interglacial induced by interbasin sea surface temperature anomaly contrast J. Ma et al. 10.1007/s00382-023-07039-4
- Preliminary paleoenvironmental analysis and luminescence dating of upper Middle Pleistocene permafrost deposits of the Ulakhan Sular Formation, Adycha River, east Siberia J. Murton et al. 10.1017/qua.2024.36
- Woodlands and steppes: Pleistocene vegetation in Yakutia's most continental part recorded in the Batagay permafrost sequence K. Ashastina et al. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.07.032
- New AMS Dates of Organic Microinclusions in Ice Wedges from the Lower Part of Batagay Yedoma, Yakutia Y. Vasil’chuk et al. 10.1134/S1028334X20020154
- Cryogenic soils in the area of Batagaika crater in Northern Yakutia Y. Vasil'chuk et al. 10.7256/2453-8922.2020.3.33599
- Dynamics of Vegetation and Soil Cover of Pyrogenically Disturbed Areas of the Northern Taiga under Conditions of Thermokarst Development and Climate Warming R. Desyatkin et al. 10.3390/land11091594
- A multimethod dating study of ancient permafrost, Batagay megaslump, east Siberia J. Murton et al. 10.1017/qua.2021.27
- Developing and Testing a Deep Learning Approach for Mapping Retrogressive Thaw Slumps I. Nitze et al. 10.3390/rs13214294
- Climatic and environmental changes in the Yana Highlands of north‐eastern Siberia over the last c. 57 000 years, derived from a sediment core from Lake Emanda M. Baumer et al. 10.1111/bor.12476
- Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental reconstructions from sediments of Lake Emanda (Verkhoyansk Mountains, East Siberia) A. Andreev et al. 10.1002/jqs.3419
- Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of Ice‐Wedges in Yakutia, East Siberia H. Jeong et al. 10.1002/ppp.2233
- Landforms and degradation pattern of the Batagay thaw slump, Northeastern Siberia A. Kizyakov et al. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2022.108501
- Forest Steppe-Like Vegetation Near Cherskiy (West Beringia) During the Early Pleistocene Olyorian Period Reconstructed Using Plant Macrofossils F. Kienast & S. Davydov 10.3389/feart.2021.741473
- Structural Properties of Syngenetic Ice-Rich Permafrost, as Revealed by Archaeological Investigation of the Yana Site Complex (Arctic East Siberia, Russia): Implications for Quaternary Science V. Pitulko & E. Pavlova 10.3389/feart.2021.744775
- Yedoma. Part 3. Annals of geocryological research, study of radiocarbon age, the stable-isotope composition studies in the 21st century Y. Vasil'chuk 10.7256/2453-8922.2023.4.68845
- The concentration of the main soluble ions in the ice wedges of IW-5 and IW-7 of the Batagay yedoma Y. Vasil'chuk 10.7256/2453-8922.2024.4.72210
- Geochemical composition of ice wedges in the Batagay yedoma Y. Vasil'chuk et al. 10.7256/2453-8922.2021.2.35962
- Highly restricted near‐surface permafrost extent during the mid-Pliocene warm period D. Guo et al. 10.1073/pnas.2301954120
- Characterizing Batagay megaslump topography dynamics and matter fluxes at high spatial resolution using a multidisciplinary approach of permafrost field observations, remote sensing and 3D geological modeling A. Kizyakov et al. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109183
- Comparing Spectral Characteristics of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Same-Day Data for Arctic-Boreal Regions A. Runge & G. Grosse 10.3390/rs11141730
- Molards as an indicator of permafrost degradation and landslide processes C. Morino et al. 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.03.040
- High-Resolution Oxygen Isotope and Deuterium Diagrams for Ice Wedges of the Batagai Yedoma, Northern Central Yakutia Y. Vasil’chuk et al. 10.1134/S1028334X19080312
- The impact of ground-ice thaw on landslide geomorphology and dynamics: two case studies in northern Iceland C. Morino et al. 10.1007/s10346-021-01661-1
- Past climate and continentality inferred from ice wedges at Batagay megaslump in the Northern Hemisphere's most continental region, Yana Highlands, interior Yakutia T. Opel et al. 10.5194/cp-15-1443-2019
- The First AMS Dating of Organic Microinclusions in an Ice Wedge of the Upper Part of the Batagay Yedoma Megaslump (Yakutia) Y. Vasil’chuk & J. Vasil’chuk 10.1134/S1028334X19110096
- Increasing Pleistocene permafrost persistence and carbon cycle conundrums inferred from Canadian speleothems N. Biller-Celander et al. 10.1126/sciadv.abe5799
- Ice wedges as archives of winter paleoclimate: A review T. Opel et al. 10.1002/ppp.1980
- Ice Complex formation on Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island (New Siberian Archipelago, East Siberian Arctic) since about 200 ka S. Wetterich et al. 10.1017/qua.2019.6
- Organic carbon characteristics in ice-rich permafrost in alas and Yedoma deposits, central Yakutia, Siberia T. Windirsch et al. 10.5194/bg-17-3797-2020
- Carbon Isotope Signatures and Polyarenes in the Pedogenic Material of Ice Wedges of the Batagay Yedoma (Yakutia) Y. Vasil’chuk et al. 10.1134/S1064229320020143
- Sub-Surface Carbon Stocks in Northern Taiga Landscapes Exposed in the Batagay Megaslump, Yana Upland, Yakutia A. Shepelev et al. 10.3390/land9090305
- Molecular biomarkers in Batagay megaslump permafrost deposits reveal clear differences in organic matter preservation between glacial and interglacial periods L. Jongejans et al. 10.5194/tc-16-3601-2022
- Freeze-thaw induced landslides on grasslands in cold regions J. Yang et al. 10.1016/j.catena.2022.106650
- Climate and environmental changes of the Lateglacial transition and Holocene in northeastern Siberia: Evidence from diatom oxygen isotopes and assemblage composition at Lake Emanda S. Kostrova et al. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.106905
- Grain-surface microtextures in deposits affected by periglacial conditions (Abalakh High-Accumulation Plain, Central Yakutia, Russia) A. Kut et al. 10.1016/j.micron.2021.103067
- Analysis of the climatogenic dynamics of the Batagay thermodenudation “crater” using remote sensing data R. Aliev & A. Medvedkov 10.35595/2414-9179-2020-2-26-366-375
- Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Landscape Changes from VHR Images in Three Different Permafrost Areas in the Western Russian Arctic F. Ardelean et al. 10.3390/rs12233999
40 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Major and trace elements, δ13C, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Late Pleistocene ice wedges: A case-study of Batagay yedoma, Central Yakutia Y. Vasil'chuk et al. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104669
- Phylogeography of a west-Beringian endemic plant: An ancient seed of Stellaria jacutica Schischk. detected in permafrost deposits of the last interglacial F. Kienast et al. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2018.09.012
- Antiphase change in Walker Circulation between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean during the Last Interglacial induced by interbasin sea surface temperature anomaly contrast J. Ma et al. 10.1007/s00382-023-07039-4
- Preliminary paleoenvironmental analysis and luminescence dating of upper Middle Pleistocene permafrost deposits of the Ulakhan Sular Formation, Adycha River, east Siberia J. Murton et al. 10.1017/qua.2024.36
- Woodlands and steppes: Pleistocene vegetation in Yakutia's most continental part recorded in the Batagay permafrost sequence K. Ashastina et al. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.07.032
- New AMS Dates of Organic Microinclusions in Ice Wedges from the Lower Part of Batagay Yedoma, Yakutia Y. Vasil’chuk et al. 10.1134/S1028334X20020154
- Cryogenic soils in the area of Batagaika crater in Northern Yakutia Y. Vasil'chuk et al. 10.7256/2453-8922.2020.3.33599
- Dynamics of Vegetation and Soil Cover of Pyrogenically Disturbed Areas of the Northern Taiga under Conditions of Thermokarst Development and Climate Warming R. Desyatkin et al. 10.3390/land11091594
- A multimethod dating study of ancient permafrost, Batagay megaslump, east Siberia J. Murton et al. 10.1017/qua.2021.27
- Developing and Testing a Deep Learning Approach for Mapping Retrogressive Thaw Slumps I. Nitze et al. 10.3390/rs13214294
- Climatic and environmental changes in the Yana Highlands of north‐eastern Siberia over the last c. 57 000 years, derived from a sediment core from Lake Emanda M. Baumer et al. 10.1111/bor.12476
- Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental reconstructions from sediments of Lake Emanda (Verkhoyansk Mountains, East Siberia) A. Andreev et al. 10.1002/jqs.3419
- Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of Ice‐Wedges in Yakutia, East Siberia H. Jeong et al. 10.1002/ppp.2233
- Landforms and degradation pattern of the Batagay thaw slump, Northeastern Siberia A. Kizyakov et al. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2022.108501
- Forest Steppe-Like Vegetation Near Cherskiy (West Beringia) During the Early Pleistocene Olyorian Period Reconstructed Using Plant Macrofossils F. Kienast & S. Davydov 10.3389/feart.2021.741473
- Structural Properties of Syngenetic Ice-Rich Permafrost, as Revealed by Archaeological Investigation of the Yana Site Complex (Arctic East Siberia, Russia): Implications for Quaternary Science V. Pitulko & E. Pavlova 10.3389/feart.2021.744775
- Yedoma. Part 3. Annals of geocryological research, study of radiocarbon age, the stable-isotope composition studies in the 21st century Y. Vasil'chuk 10.7256/2453-8922.2023.4.68845
- The concentration of the main soluble ions in the ice wedges of IW-5 and IW-7 of the Batagay yedoma Y. Vasil'chuk 10.7256/2453-8922.2024.4.72210
- Geochemical composition of ice wedges in the Batagay yedoma Y. Vasil'chuk et al. 10.7256/2453-8922.2021.2.35962
- Highly restricted near‐surface permafrost extent during the mid-Pliocene warm period D. Guo et al. 10.1073/pnas.2301954120
- Characterizing Batagay megaslump topography dynamics and matter fluxes at high spatial resolution using a multidisciplinary approach of permafrost field observations, remote sensing and 3D geological modeling A. Kizyakov et al. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109183
- Comparing Spectral Characteristics of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Same-Day Data for Arctic-Boreal Regions A. Runge & G. Grosse 10.3390/rs11141730
- Molards as an indicator of permafrost degradation and landslide processes C. Morino et al. 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.03.040
- High-Resolution Oxygen Isotope and Deuterium Diagrams for Ice Wedges of the Batagai Yedoma, Northern Central Yakutia Y. Vasil’chuk et al. 10.1134/S1028334X19080312
- The impact of ground-ice thaw on landslide geomorphology and dynamics: two case studies in northern Iceland C. Morino et al. 10.1007/s10346-021-01661-1
- Past climate and continentality inferred from ice wedges at Batagay megaslump in the Northern Hemisphere's most continental region, Yana Highlands, interior Yakutia T. Opel et al. 10.5194/cp-15-1443-2019
- The First AMS Dating of Organic Microinclusions in an Ice Wedge of the Upper Part of the Batagay Yedoma Megaslump (Yakutia) Y. Vasil’chuk & J. Vasil’chuk 10.1134/S1028334X19110096
- Increasing Pleistocene permafrost persistence and carbon cycle conundrums inferred from Canadian speleothems N. Biller-Celander et al. 10.1126/sciadv.abe5799
- Ice wedges as archives of winter paleoclimate: A review T. Opel et al. 10.1002/ppp.1980
- Ice Complex formation on Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island (New Siberian Archipelago, East Siberian Arctic) since about 200 ka S. Wetterich et al. 10.1017/qua.2019.6
- Organic carbon characteristics in ice-rich permafrost in alas and Yedoma deposits, central Yakutia, Siberia T. Windirsch et al. 10.5194/bg-17-3797-2020
- Carbon Isotope Signatures and Polyarenes in the Pedogenic Material of Ice Wedges of the Batagay Yedoma (Yakutia) Y. Vasil’chuk et al. 10.1134/S1064229320020143
- Sub-Surface Carbon Stocks in Northern Taiga Landscapes Exposed in the Batagay Megaslump, Yana Upland, Yakutia A. Shepelev et al. 10.3390/land9090305
- Molecular biomarkers in Batagay megaslump permafrost deposits reveal clear differences in organic matter preservation between glacial and interglacial periods L. Jongejans et al. 10.5194/tc-16-3601-2022
- Freeze-thaw induced landslides on grasslands in cold regions J. Yang et al. 10.1016/j.catena.2022.106650
- Climate and environmental changes of the Lateglacial transition and Holocene in northeastern Siberia: Evidence from diatom oxygen isotopes and assemblage composition at Lake Emanda S. Kostrova et al. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.106905
- Grain-surface microtextures in deposits affected by periglacial conditions (Abalakh High-Accumulation Plain, Central Yakutia, Russia) A. Kut et al. 10.1016/j.micron.2021.103067
- Analysis of the climatogenic dynamics of the Batagay thermodenudation “crater” using remote sensing data R. Aliev & A. Medvedkov 10.35595/2414-9179-2020-2-26-366-375
- Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Landscape Changes from VHR Images in Three Different Permafrost Areas in the Western Russian Arctic F. Ardelean et al. 10.3390/rs12233999
Latest update: 01 Apr 2025
Short summary
We present the first detailed description and sedimentological analyses of an 80 m permafrost sequence exposed in a mega-thaw slump near Batagay in the Yana Highlands, Russia, and attempt to deduce its genesis. First dating results (14C, OSL) show that the sequence represents a continental climate record spanning from the Middle Pleistocene to the Holocene. We suggest that the characteristics of the studied deposits are a result of various seasonally controlled climatically induced processes.
We present the first detailed description and sedimentological analyses of an 80 m permafrost...