Articles | Volume 12, issue 2
Research article
24 Feb 2016
Research article |  | 24 Feb 2016

Late Cretaceous (late Campanian–Maastrichtian) sea-surface temperature record of the Boreal Chalk Sea

Nicolas Thibault, Rikke Harlou, Niels H. Schovsbo, Lars Stemmerik, and Finn Surlyk

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Cited articles

Abramovich, S., Keller, G., Stüben, D., and Berner, Z.: Characterization of late Campanian foraminiferal depth habitats and vital activities based on stable isotopes, Palaeogeogr. Palaeoecol., 202, 1–29, 2003.
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Short summary
We present here for the first time a very high-resolution record of sea-surface temperature changes in the Boreal Chalk Sea for the last 8 million years of the Cretaceous. This record was obtained from 1932 bulk oxygen isotope measurements, and their interpretation into temperature trends is validated by similar trends observed from changes in phytoplankton assemblages.