Articles | Volume 12, issue 9
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© Author(s) 2016. This work is distributed under
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Bering Sea surface water conditions during Marine Isotope Stages 12 to 10 at Navarin Canyon (IODP Site U1345)
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA
Julie Brigham-Grette
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst,
Massachusetts, USA
Mea S. Cook
Williams College, Williamstown,
Massachusetts, USA
Elena Colmenero-Hidalgo
Universidad de León, León, Spain
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Kurt R. Lindberg, William C. Daniels, Isla S. Castañeda, and Julie Brigham-Grette
Clim. Past, 18, 559–577,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
Earth experiences regular ice ages resulting in shifts between cooler and warmer climates. Around 1 million years ago, the ice age cycles grew longer and stronger. We used bacterial and plant lipids preserved in an Arctic lake to reconstruct temperature and vegetation during this climate transition. We find that Arctic land temperatures did not cool much compared to ocean records from this period, and that vegetation shifts correspond with a long-term drying previously reported in the region.
A. J. Coletti, R. M. DeConto, J. Brigham-Grette, and M. Melles
Clim. Past, 11, 979–989,,, 2015
Short summary
Short summary
Evidence from Pleistocene sediments suggest that the Arctic's climate went through multiple sudden transitions, warming by 2-4 °C (compared to preindustrial times), and stayed warm for hundreds to thousands of years. A climate modelling study of these events suggests that the Arctic's climate and landscape drastically changed, transforming a cold and barren landscape as we know today to a warm, lush, evergreen and boreal forest landscape only seen in the modern midlatitudes.
V. Wennrich, P. S. Minyuk, V. Borkhodoev, A. Francke, B. Ritter, N. R. Nowaczyk, M. A. Sauerbrey, J. Brigham-Grette, and M. Melles
Clim. Past, 10, 1381–1399,,, 2014
A. A. Andreev, P. E. Tarasov, V. Wennrich, E. Raschke, U. Herzschuh, N. R. Nowaczyk, J. Brigham-Grette, and M. Melles
Clim. Past, 10, 1017–1039,,, 2014
P. E. Tarasov, A. A. Andreev, P. M. Anderson, A. V. Lozhkin, C. Leipe, E. Haltia, N. R. Nowaczyk, V. Wennrich, J. Brigham-Grette, and M. Melles
Clim. Past, 9, 2759–2775,,, 2013
A. Francke, V. Wennrich, M. Sauerbrey, O. Juschus, M. Melles, and J. Brigham-Grette
Clim. Past, 9, 2459–2470,,, 2013
H. Vogel, C. Meyer-Jacob, M. Melles, J. Brigham-Grette, A. A. Andreev, V. Wennrich, P. E. Tarasov, and P. Rosén
Clim. Past, 9, 1467–1479,,, 2013
R. M. D'Anjou, J. H. Wei, I. S. Castañeda, J. Brigham-Grette, S. T. Petsch, and D. B. Finkelstein
Clim. Past, 9, 567–581,,, 2013
K. M. K. Wilkie, B. Chapligin, H. Meyer, S. Burns, S. Petsch, and J. Brigham-Grette
Clim. Past, 9, 335–352,,, 2013
A. R. Holland, S. T. Petsch, I. S. Castañeda, K. M. Wilkie, S. J. Burns, and J. Brigham-Grette
Clim. Past, 9, 243–260,,, 2013
V. Wennrich, A. Francke, A. Dehnert, O. Juschus, T. Leipe, C. Vogt, J. Brigham-Grette, P. S. Minyuk, M. Melles, and El'gygytgyn Science Party
Clim. Past, 9, 135–148,,, 2013
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Subject: Atmospheric Dynamics | Archive: Historical Records | Timescale: Cenozoic
Millennium-long summer temperature variations in the European Alps as reconstructed from tree rings
C. Corona, J. Guiot, J. L. Edouard, F. Chalié, U. Büntgen, P. Nola, and C. Urbinati
Clim. Past, 6, 379–400,,, 2010
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Short summary
This paper presents the first millennial-scale reconstruction of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 (~400 ka) from the subarctic Pacific Ocean. We use diatoms, calcareous nannofossils, grain size, and carbon and nitrogen isotopes to examine changing productivity and sea ice. These change in sync with other regional and global records. Initially, MIS 11 is highly productive, due to increased upwelling. Sea ice declines gradually during this warm period, but is present throughout.
This paper presents the first millennial-scale reconstruction of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11...