Articles | Volume 12, issue 5
Research article
20 May 2016
Research article |  | 20 May 2016

Palaeogeographic controls on climate and proxy interpretation

Daniel J. Lunt, Alex Farnsworth, Claire Loptson, Gavin L. Foster, Paul Markwick, Charlotte L. O'Brien, Richard D. Pancost, Stuart A. Robinson, and Neil Wrobel

Data sets

Bristol Research Initiative for the Dynamic Global Environment, Earth Systems Modelling within Bridge, A Database of Model Simulations BRIDGE

Short summary
We explore the influence of changing geography from the period ~ 150 million years ago to ~ 35 million years ago, using a set of 19 climate model simulations. We find that without any CO2 change, the global mean temperature is remarkably constant, but that regionally there are significant changes in temperature which we link back to changes in ocean circulation. Finally, we explore the implications of our findings for the interpretation of geological indicators of past temperatures.