Articles | Volume 11, issue 2
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© Author(s) 2015. This work is distributed under
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Variability of summer humidity during the past 800 years on the eastern Tibetan Plateau inferred from δ18O of tree-ring cellulose
J. Wernicke
Institute of Geography, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
J. Grießinger
Institute of Geography, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
P. Hochreuther
Institute of Geography, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
A. Bräuning
Institute of Geography, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
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Thomas Mölg, Jan C. Schubert, Annette Debel, Steffen Höhnle, Kathy Steppe, Sibille Wehrmann, and Achim Bräuning
Geosci. Commun., 7, 215–225,,, 2024
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We examine the understanding of weather and climate impacts on forest health in high school students. Climate physics, tree ring science, and educational research collaborate to provide an online platform that captures the students’ observations, showing they translate the measured weather and basic tree responses well. However, students hardly ever detect the causal connections. This result will help refine future classroom concepts and public climate change communication on changing forests.
Jenny V. Turton, Philipp Hochreuther, Nathalie Reimann, and Manuel T. Blau
The Cryosphere, 15, 3877–3896,,, 2021
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We assess the climatic controls of melt lake development, melt duration, melt extent, and the spatial distribution of lakes of 79°N Glacier. There is a large interannual variability in the areal extent of the lakes and the maximum elevation of lake development, which is largely controlled by the summertime air temperatures and the snowpack thickness. Late-summer lake development can be prompted by spikes in surface mass balance. There is some evidence of inland expansion of lakes over time.
Nilendu Singh, Mayank Shekhar, Bikash Ranjan Parida, Anil K. Gupta, Kalachand Sain, Santosh K. Rai, Achim Bräuning, Vikram Sharma, and Reet Kamal Tiwari
Clim. Past Discuss.,,, 2021
Preprint withdrawn
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Tree-ring isotope records from central Himalaya provided a basis for century-scale approximation on hydroclimate and glacier interaction. Multi-species isotopic coherencies specify an abrupt phase-shift since the 1960s and the governing role of winter-westerlies in regional ice-mass variability. Radiative forcing and glacier valley-scale vegetation trend analyses indicate that attribution of ice-mass to large-scale dynamics is likely to be modulated by local vegetation changes.
Nilendu Singh, Mayank Shekhar, Jayendra Singh, Anil K. Gupta, Achim Bräuning, Christoph Mayr, and Mohit Singhal
The Cryosphere, 15, 95–112,,, 2021
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Tree-ring isotope records from the central Himalaya provided a basis for previously lacking regional multi-century glacier mass balance (MB) reconstruction. Isotopic and climate coherency analyses specify an eastward-declining influence of the westerlies, an increase in east–west climate heterogeneity, and an increase in ice mass loss since the 1960s. Reasons for this are attributed to anthropogenic climate change, including concurrent alterations in atmospheric circulation patterns.
Yesi Zhao, Jiangfeng Shi, Shiyuan Shi, Xiaoqi Ma, Weijie Zhang, Bowen Wang, Xuguang Sun, Huayu Lu, and Achim Bräuning
Clim. Past, 15, 1113–1131,,, 2019
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We found that the tree-ring earlywood width (EWW) of Pinus tabuliformis from the eastern Qinling Mountains (central China) showed stronger response to May–July scPDSI than the tree-ring total width and latewood width. Therefore, variations in May–July scPDSI were reconstructed back to 1868 CE using the EWW chronology. The reconstruction exhibited a strong in-phase relationship with the East Asian summer monsoon intensity before the 1940s, which was different from that found in recent decades.
Berhan Gessesse, Woldeamlak Bewket, and Achim Bräuning
Solid Earth, 7, 639–650,,, 2016
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The Modjo watershed is facing land degradation challenges, which in turn have had adverse effects on its agricultural productivity. Data were modelled using a binary logistic regression model. The findings revealed that local land users’ willingness to adopt tree growing is a function of many factors, however, labour force availability, the disparity of schooling age and land tenure systems have significant influence on tree-planting investment decisions.
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Clim. Past, 18, 2045–2062,,, 2022
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We evaluated the South American Summer Monsoon over the last millennium and dynamically interpreted the principal modes of variability. We find the spatial patterns of the monsoon are an intrinsic feature of the climate modulated by external forcings. Multi-centennial mean state departures during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age show regionally coherent patterns of hydroclimatic change in both a multi-archive network of oxygen isotope records and isotope-enabled climate models.
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero, Almudena García-García, Hugo Beltrami, J. Fidel González-Rouco, and Elena García-Bustamante
Clim. Past, 17, 451–468,,, 2021
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We provide new global estimates of changes in surface temperature, surface heat flux, and continental heat storage since preindustrial times from geothermal data. Our analysis includes new measurements and a more comprehensive description of uncertainties than previous studies. Results show higher continental heat storage than previously reported, with global land mean temperature changes of 1 K and subsurface heat gains of 12 ZJ during the last half of the 20th century.
Pierre Sabatier, Marie Nicolle, Christine Piot, Christophe Colin, Maxime Debret, Didier Swingedouw, Yves Perrette, Marie-Charlotte Bellingery, Benjamin Chazeau, Anne-Lise Develle, Maxime Leblanc, Charlotte Skonieczny, Yoann Copard, Jean-Louis Reyss, Emmanuel Malet, Isabelle Jouffroy-Bapicot, Maëlle Kelner, Jérôme Poulenard, Julien Didier, Fabien Arnaud, and Boris Vannière
Clim. Past, 16, 283–298,,, 2020
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High-resolution multiproxy analysis of sediment core from a high-elevation lake on Corsica allows us to reconstruct past African dust inputs to the western Mediterranean area over the last 3 millennia. Millennial variations of Saharan dust input have been correlated with the long-term southward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, while short-term variations were associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation and total solar irradiance after and before 1070 cal BP, respectively.
Angela-Maria Burgdorf, Stefan Brönnimann, and Jörg Franke
Clim. Past, 15, 2053–2065,,, 2019
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The western USA is frequently affected by multiannual summer droughts. They can be separated into two groups with distinct spatial patterns. This study analyzes the atmospheric circulation during multiannual droughts in a new 3-D climate reconstruction. We confirm two distinct drought types differing with respect to atmospheric circulation as well as sea surface temperatures. Our results suggest that both the Pacific and the extratropical North Atlantic region affect North American droughts.
Ignacio A. Jara, Antonio Maldonado, Leticia González, Armand Hernández, Alberto Sáez, Santiago Giralt, Roberto Bao, and Blas Valero-Garcés
Clim. Past, 15, 1845–1859,,, 2019
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The South American summer monsoon (SASM) is the most important climate system of South America. However, little is known about its long-term variability. Here we present a new SASM reconstruction from Lago Chungará in the southern Altiplano (18°S). We show important changes in SASM precipitation at timescales of centuries. Our results suggest that SASM variability was controlled not only by tropical climates but was also influenced by precipitation outside the tropics.
Yesi Zhao, Jiangfeng Shi, Shiyuan Shi, Xiaoqi Ma, Weijie Zhang, Bowen Wang, Xuguang Sun, Huayu Lu, and Achim Bräuning
Clim. Past, 15, 1113–1131,,, 2019
Short summary
Short summary
We found that the tree-ring earlywood width (EWW) of Pinus tabuliformis from the eastern Qinling Mountains (central China) showed stronger response to May–July scPDSI than the tree-ring total width and latewood width. Therefore, variations in May–July scPDSI were reconstructed back to 1868 CE using the EWW chronology. The reconstruction exhibited a strong in-phase relationship with the East Asian summer monsoon intensity before the 1940s, which was different from that found in recent decades.
M. Naulier, M. M. Savard, C. Bégin, F. Gennaretti, D. Arseneault, J. Marion, A. Nicault, and Y. Bégin
Clim. Past, 11, 1153–1164,,, 2015
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Short summary
This paper presents a millennial δ18O series and the reconstruction of the maximal temperature. The maximal replication and annual resolution have been obtained by using cohort sampling method. Three contrasted climatic periods have been identified: the medieval warm period (~997-1250; the warmest), the little ice age (~1450-1880) and the modern period (1970-2000) that is one of the fastest warming over the last millennium.
P. X. Wang, B. Wang, H. Cheng, J. Fasullo, Z. T. Guo, T. Kiefer, and Z. Y. Liu
Clim. Past, 10, 2007–2052,,, 2014
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Short summary
All regional monsoons belong to a cohesive global monsoon circulation system, albeit thateach regional subsystem has its own indigenous features. A comprehensive review of global monsoon variability reveals that regional monsoons can vary coherently across a range of timescales, from interannual up to orbital and tectonic. Study of monsoon variability from both global and regional perspectives is imperative and advantageous for integrated understanding of the modern and paleo-monsoon dynamics.
C. R. Maupin, J. W. Partin, C.-C. Shen, T. M. Quinn, K. Lin, F. W. Taylor, J. L. Banner, K. Thirumalai, and D. J. Sinclair
Clim. Past, 10, 1319–1332,,, 2014
J. Wang, J. Emile-Geay, D. Guillot, J. E. Smerdon, and B. Rajaratnam
Clim. Past, 10, 1–19,,, 2014
L. Tan, Y. Cai, Z. An, L. Yi, H. Zhang, and S. Qin
Clim. Past, 7, 685–692,,, 2011
S. Dietrich and K. Seelos
Clim. Past, 6, 145–154,,, 2010
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