Articles | Volume 11, issue 9
Research article
30 Sep 2015
Research article |  | 30 Sep 2015

Climatic variability and human impact during the last 2000 years in western Mesoamerica: evidence of late Classic (AD 600–900) and Little Ice Age drought events

A. Rodríguez-Ramírez, M. Caballero, P. Roy, B. Ortega, G. Vázquez-Castro, and S. Lozano-García


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Short summary
We present results from western Mexico, where very few palaeoclimatic research sites exist. The record has good chronological resolution (ca. 20 years) and clear climatic trends during the last 2ka. The most important signals are: dry conditions during the late Classic (AD 500 to 1000), especially from AD 600 to 800, and low lake levels during the LIA, in two phases that follow Spörer and Maunder solar minima. Drier conditions are related with a lower intensity of the North American monsoon.