23 Aug 2017
 | 23 Aug 2017
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

A revised Law Dome age model (LD2017) and implications for last glacial climate

Jason Roberts, Andrew Moy, Christopher Plummer, Tas van Ommen, Mark Curran, Tessa Vance, Samuel Poynter, Yaping Liu, Joel Pedro, Adam Treverrow, Carly Tozer, Lenneke Jong, Pippa Whitehouse, Laetitia Loulergue, Jerome Chappellaz, Vin Morgan, Renato Spahni, Adrian Schilt, Cecilia MacFarling Meure, David Etheridge, and Thomas Stocker

Abstract. Here we present a revised Law Dome, Dome Summit South (DSS) ice core age model (denoted LD2017) that significantly improves the chronology over the last 88 ka. An ensemble approach was used, allowing for the computation of both a median age and associated uncertainty as a function of depth. The revised chronology incorporates extended continuous annual layer counting to 853 m using chemical species with seasonally-varying behaviours. The annual layer counted age at 853 m is 2332 years before 2000 (y b2k) with an error of +13/−7 y, i.e. 2345–2325 y b2k . Below this depth, non-linear interpolation between age ties using a probability density function for age/depth is used to constrain and model the age of the ice. The ice-based age ties below the annual layer counted section are based on matching volcanic event markers, methane (CH4) gas concentration, isotopic composition of ice (δ18O) and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) dust peak to other records. For consistency, the timescale used for all matching is the AICC2012 timescale (Veres et al., 2013). The first ice-based age tie is the base of the annual layer counting record (2332 y b2k) and the age ties from ~ 2400–4000 y b2k are volcanic synchronised ice-based age ties. The detection of abrupt changes in CH4 gas concentrations within the DSS record provides further independent gas-based age ties, including the tightly constrained 8200 y b2k event. The improved age control between 9000 and 21000 y b2k is supplemented by CH4 and δ18O ice measurements (Pedro et al., 2011). Over the period 16600 to 18600 y b2k large changes in dust concentration, matched to the EDC dust record, are used to constrain two ice-based age ties. Unlike previous studies, where the modelling was used to simultaneously infer both age and snow accumulation rate, we made an independent estimate of the snow accumulation rate, where required, for the use of gas based age ties.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Jason Roberts, Andrew Moy, Christopher Plummer, Tas van Ommen, Mark Curran, Tessa Vance, Samuel Poynter, Yaping Liu, Joel Pedro, Adam Treverrow, Carly Tozer, Lenneke Jong, Pippa Whitehouse, Laetitia Loulergue, Jerome Chappellaz, Vin Morgan, Renato Spahni, Adrian Schilt, Cecilia MacFarling Meure, David Etheridge, and Thomas Stocker

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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
Printer-friendly Version - Printer-friendly version Supplement - Supplement
Jason Roberts, Andrew Moy, Christopher Plummer, Tas van Ommen, Mark Curran, Tessa Vance, Samuel Poynter, Yaping Liu, Joel Pedro, Adam Treverrow, Carly Tozer, Lenneke Jong, Pippa Whitehouse, Laetitia Loulergue, Jerome Chappellaz, Vin Morgan, Renato Spahni, Adrian Schilt, Cecilia MacFarling Meure, David Etheridge, and Thomas Stocker
Jason Roberts, Andrew Moy, Christopher Plummer, Tas van Ommen, Mark Curran, Tessa Vance, Samuel Poynter, Yaping Liu, Joel Pedro, Adam Treverrow, Carly Tozer, Lenneke Jong, Pippa Whitehouse, Laetitia Loulergue, Jerome Chappellaz, Vin Morgan, Renato Spahni, Adrian Schilt, Cecilia MacFarling Meure, David Etheridge, and Thomas Stocker


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Latest update: 07 Feb 2025

This preprint has been withdrawn.

Short summary
Here we present a revised Law Dome, Dome Summit South (DSS) ice core age model (denoted LD2017) that significantly improves the chronology over the last 88 thousand years. An ensemble approach was used, allowing for the computation of both a median age and associated uncertainty as a function of depth. We use a non-linear interpolation between age ties and unlike previous studies, we made an independent estimate of the snow accumulation rate, where required, for the use of gas based age ties.