21 Nov 2017
 | 21 Nov 2017
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Climate of the Past (CP). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

Patterns of extreme weather associated with observed and proxy River Ammer flood records

Norel Rimbu, Monica Ionita, Markus Czymzik, Achim Brauer, and Gerrit Lohmann

Abstract. We investigate the relationship between the variability in the frequency of River Ammer floods (southern Germany) and temperature/precipitation extremes over Europe using observational River Ammer discharge data back to 1926 and the 5500-year-long flood layer record from varved Lake Ammersee sediments. We show that observed River Ammer flood frequency variability is not only related with local extreme precipitation, but also with large-scale temperature extreme anomalies. Less (more) extreme high temperatures over central and western (northeastern) Europe are recorded during periods of increased River Ammer flood frequency. We argue that changing radiative forcing due to cloudiness anomaly patterns associated with River Ammer floods induce these extreme temperature anomalies. Consistent patterns are obtained using observed discharge and proxy flood layer frequency data. Furthermore, a higher frequency of observed River Ammer floods and flood layers is associated with enhanced blocking activity over northeastern Europe. A blocking high over this region increases the probability of wave breaking and associated heavy precipitation over western Europe. A similar blocking pattern is associated with periods of reduced solar activity. Consequently, solar modulated changes in blocking frequency over northeastern Europe could explain the connection between River Ammer floods and solar activity, as also identified in previous studies. We argue that multi-decadal to millennial flood frequency variations in the Mid- to Late Holocene flood layer record from Lake Ammersee characterizes also the extreme temperatures in northeastern Europe.

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Norel Rimbu, Monica Ionita, Markus Czymzik, Achim Brauer, and Gerrit Lohmann
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Norel Rimbu, Monica Ionita, Markus Czymzik, Achim Brauer, and Gerrit Lohmann
Norel Rimbu, Monica Ionita, Markus Czymzik, Achim Brauer, and Gerrit Lohmann


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Short summary
Multi-decadal to millennial flood frequency variations in the Mid- to Late Holocene in a flood layer record from Lake Ammersee is strongly related to the occurrence of extreme precipitation and temperatures in the northeastern Europe.