01 Jul 2015
 | 01 Jul 2015
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) forcing on the late Holocene Cauca paleolake dynamics, northern Andes of Colombia

J. I. Martínez, S. Obrochta, Y. Yokoyama, and R. W. Battarbee

Abstract. The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), is a major driving climate mechanism, in the eastern Caribbean Sea and the South Atlantic Ocean in relation to the dynamics of the South American Monsoon System (SAMS) for the late Holocene. Here we document the AMO signal in the San Nicolás-1 core of the Cauca paleolake (Santa Fé–Sopetrán Basin) in the northern Andes. Wavelet spectrum analysis of the gray scale of the San Nicolás-1 core provides evidence for a 70 yr AMO periodicity for the 3750 to 350 yr BP time interval, whose pattern is analogous to the one documented for the Cariaco Basin. This supports a possible correlation between enhanced precipitation and ENSO variability with a positive AMO phase during the 2000 to 1500 yr BP interval, and its forcing role on the Cauca ria lake deposits, which led to increased precipitation and to the transition from a igapo (black water) to a varzea (white water) environment ca. 3000 yr BP.

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J. I. Martínez, S. Obrochta, Y. Yokoyama, and R. W. Battarbee

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Interactive discussion

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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J. I. Martínez, S. Obrochta, Y. Yokoyama, and R. W. Battarbee
J. I. Martínez, S. Obrochta, Y. Yokoyama, and R. W. Battarbee


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Latest update: 28 Mar 2025

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Short summary
The San Nicolás laminated sediments of the Cauca paleolake in the northern Andes were deposited in a ria lake environment at 3750-350 yr BP. Wavelet analysis of the San Nicolás-1 core evidences a 70 yr Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) periodicity, analogous to the Cariaco Basin. This supports a correlation between enhanced precipitation and ENSO variability with a positive AMO phase during the 2000-1500 yr BP interval. Increased precipitation occurred ca. 3000 yr BP.