05 Oct 2012
 | 05 Oct 2012
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal CP but the revision was not accepted.

Volcanic forcing and climate variations during the last glacial period

A. F. Flinders

Abstract. Measurements of δ18O in the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice-core from Summit, Greenland, show repeated temporal variations associated with rapid warming events throughout the last glacial period of the Pleistocene-10–110 kya. The majority of these warming events are preceded in the ice-core record by an increased concentration of insoluble micro-particulate sulfate, indicative of increases in global volcanism. Wavelet analysis of ice-core and marine-sediment records show a repeated 5000–6000 yr periodicity in both volcanic SO4 and δ18O ice records, as well as a 5000–8000 yr cycle in the lithic concentration of ice-rafted debris, atmospheric CO2 concentration, and a database of late Quaternary volcanic eruptions. Increasing concentrations in atmospheric CO2 and CH4 initiated during periods of increased volcanism, peaking during a warm transition, reflect a volcanic-atmospheric-deglaciation feedback, regulated by meridional overturning current-shutdown related cooling.

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A. F. Flinders
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A. F. Flinders
A. F. Flinders


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