Climatic and biotic events of the Paleogene
Climatic and biotic events of the Paleogene
Editor(s): G. R. Dickens, V. Luciani, and A. Sluijs

This special issue of Climate of the Past offers a venue for scientific papers focused on better understanding prominent changes in climate and evolution that occurred during one of the most dynamic intervals in Earth's history: the Paleogene. We aim to provide a collection of contributions that focus on current research, including but not limited to that presented at the international meeting "Climatic and Biotic Events of the Paleogene (CBEP 2014)", which was held on 1–6 July 2014 in Ferrara, Italy. We invite contributions resulting from both terrestrial and marine archives.

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13 May 2016
Environmental impact and magnitude of paleosol carbonate carbon isotope excursions marking five early Eocene hyperthermals in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
Hemmo A. Abels, Vittoria Lauretano, Anna E. van Yperen, Tarek Hopman, James C. Zachos, Lucas J. Lourens, Philip D. Gingerich, and Gabriel J. Bowen
Clim. Past, 12, 1151–1163,,, 2016
Short summary
15 Apr 2016
Major perturbations in the global carbon cycle and photosymbiont-bearing planktic foraminifera during the early Eocene
Valeria Luciani, Gerald R. Dickens, Jan Backman, Eliana Fornaciari, Luca Giusberti, Claudia Agnini, and Roberta D'Onofrio
Clim. Past, 12, 981–1007,,, 2016
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11 Apr 2016
Stable isotope and calcareous nannofossil assemblage record of the late Paleocene and early Eocene (Cicogna section)
Claudia Agnini, David J. A. Spofforth, Gerald R. Dickens, Domenico Rio, Heiko Pälike, Jan Backman, Giovanni Muttoni, and Edoardo Dallanave
Clim. Past, 12, 883–909,,, 2016
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07 Apr 2016
Constraints on ocean circulation at the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum from neodymium isotopes
April N. Abbott, Brian A. Haley, Aradhna K. Tripati, and Martin Frank
Clim. Past, 12, 837–847,,, 2016
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06 Apr 2016
Revisiting carbonate chemistry controls on planktic foraminifera Mg /  Ca: implications for sea surface temperature and hydrology shifts over the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum and Eocene–Oligocene transition
David Evans, Bridget S. Wade, Michael Henehan, Jonathan Erez, and Wolfgang Müller
Clim. Past, 12, 819–835,,, 2016
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25 Feb 2016
Fossil plant stomata indicate decreasing atmospheric CO2 prior to the Eocene–Oligocene boundary
Margret Steinthorsdottir, Amanda S. Porter, Aidan Holohan, Lutz Kunzmann, Margaret Collinson, and Jennifer C. McElwain
Clim. Past, 12, 439–454,,, 2016
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25 Feb 2016
A model–model and data–model comparison for the early Eocene hydrological cycle
Matthew J. Carmichael, Daniel J. Lunt, Matthew Huber, Malte Heinemann, Jeffrey Kiehl, Allegra LeGrande, Claire A. Loptson, Chris D. Roberts, Navjit Sagoo, Christine Shields, Paul J. Valdes, Arne Winguth, Cornelia Winguth, and Richard D. Pancost
Clim. Past, 12, 455–481,,, 2016
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10 Feb 2016
Estimates of late middle Eocene pCO2 based on stomatal density of modern and fossil Nageia leaves
X. Y. Liu, Q. Gao, M. Han, and J. H. Jin
Clim. Past, 12, 241–253,,, 2016
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09 Feb 2016
Variability in climate and productivity during the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum in the western Tethys (Forada section)
L. Giusberti, F. Boscolo Galazzo, and E. Thomas
Clim. Past, 12, 213–240,,, 2016
11 Dec 2015
A massive input of coarse-grained siliciclastics in the Pyrenean Basin during the PETM: the missing ingredient in a coeval abrupt change in hydrological regime
V. Pujalte, J. I. Baceta, and B. Schmitz
Clim. Past, 11, 1653–1672,,, 2015
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07 Dec 2015
Expansion and diversification of high-latitude radiolarian assemblages in the late Eocene linked to a cooling event in the southwest Pacific
K. M. Pascher, C. J. Hollis, S. M. Bohaty, G. Cortese, R. M. McKay, H. Seebeck, N. Suzuki, and K. Chiba
Clim. Past, 11, 1599–1620,,, 2015
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07 Oct 2015
Frequency, magnitude and character of hyperthermal events at the onset of the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum
V. Lauretano, K. Littler, M. Polling, J. C. Zachos, and L. J. Lourens
Clim. Past, 11, 1313–1324,,, 2015
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30 Sep 2015
Microfossil evidence for trophic changes during the Eocene–Oligocene transition in the South Atlantic (ODP Site 1263, Walvis Ridge)
M. Bordiga, J. Henderiks, F. Tori, S. Monechi, R. Fenero, A. Legarda-Lisarri, and E. Thomas
Clim. Past, 11, 1249–1270,,, 2015
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24 Sep 2015
Mammal faunal change in the zone of the Paleogene hyperthermals ETM2 and H2
A. E. Chew
Clim. Past, 11, 1223–1237,,, 2015
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23 Sep 2015
Astronomical calibration of the geological timescale: closing the middle Eocene gap
T. Westerhold, U. Röhl, T. Frederichs, S. M. Bohaty, and J. C. Zachos
Clim. Past, 11, 1181–1195,,, 2015
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