08 Oct 2024
 | 08 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal CP.

Closing the Plio-Pleistocene 13C cycle in the 405-kyr periodicity by isotopic signatures of geological sources

Peter Köhler

Abstract. The 13C cycle of the Plio-Pleistocene, as recorded in δ13C of benthic foraminifera, has power in periodicities related to the long eccentricity cycle of 405-kyr that is missing in corresponding climate records (e.g. δ18O). Using a global carbon cycle model I show that the long eccentricity in δ13C might have been caused by variations in the isotopic signature of geological sources, namely of the weathered carbonate rock (δ13Crock) or of volcanically released CO213Cv). This closure of the 13C cycle in these peridicities also explains the offset in atmospheric δ13CO2 seen between the penultimate and the last glacial maximum. The necessary isotopic signatures in δ13Crock or δ13Cv which align my simulations with reconstructions of the 13C cycle on orbital timscales have most power in the obliquity band (41-kyr) suggesting that land ice dynamics are the ultimate cause for these suggested variations. Since the Asian monsoon as reconstructed from speleothems has also an obliquity-related component it is possible that these proposed changes in weathering are indeed, at least partly, connected to the monsoon as previously suggested. Alternatively, the suggested impact of land ice or sea level on volcanic activity might also be influential for the 13C cycle. This indirect influence of ice sheets on the long eccentricity cycle in δ13C implies that these processes might not have been responsible for the 405-kyr periodicity found in ice-free times of the pre-Pliocene parts of the Cenozoic.

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Peter Köhler

Status: open (until 03 Dec 2024)

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Peter Köhler

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Carbon cycle model simulations using BICYCLE-SE over the last 5 millions years with focus on the 405-kyr periodicities in 13C Peter Köhler

Peter Köhler


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Short summary
Using a carbon cycle model I here show that the 405-kyr periodicity found in marine δ13C during the last 5 million years and the offset in atmospheric δ13CO2 between the last and the penultimate glacial maximum are probably related to each other. They can be explained by variations in the δ13C signature of weathered carbonate rock or of volcanically degassed CO2 which vary mainly with obliquity (41-kyr) suggesting that northern hemispheric land ice sheets are their ultimate drivers.