16 Oct 2023
 | 16 Oct 2023
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal CP.

North Atlantic Oscillation polarity during the past 3 ka derived from lacustrine sediments of large lowland lake Schweriner See, NE-Germany

Marie-Luise Adolph, Sambor Czerwinski, Mirko Dreßler, Paul Strobel, Marcel Bliedtner, Sebastian Lorenz, Maxime Debret, and Torsten Haberzettl

Abstract. Based on a multi-dating and multi-proxy approach, we reconstruct Late Holocene environmental changes from sediments of Schweriner See, a large lowland lake in NE-Germany spanning the past 3070+170/-210 cal BP. We infer large-scale atmospheric variations using a combination of in-lake productivity indicators using traditional and high-resolution techniques (e.g. LOI550, TOC, inc/coh), diatom assemblages, which are sensitive to ice-cover duration, as well as compound-specific hydrogen isotopes (δ2HC25) reflecting variability in the moisture source region distinguishing the southern and northern North Atlantic and/or Arctic region and/or the degree of evaporative lake water enrichment. Our study shows that before 1850 CE, in-lake productivity at Schweriner See was mainly influenced by winter temperature variability, which modulates ice-cover duration and growing-season length. Low productivity co-occurs with the occurrence of the diatom species Stephanocostis chantaicus, which blooms below the ice cover, indicating temporal prolonged ice cover duration. Simultaneously, changes to a moisture source region in the northern North Atlantic and/or Arctic regions and/or low evaporative lake water enrichment are inferred from δ2HC25. In contrast, high productivity is linked to the disappearance of S. chantaicus and moisture originating from the southern North Atlantic and/or high evaporative lake water enrichment. These distinct changes are driven by variations between positive and negative NAO polarity during the past 3070+170/-210 cal BP. Besides these long-term shifts in atmospheric conditions, short-term variations can be inferred from titanium concentrations, which mainly reflect paleo-shoreline distance likely linked to precipitation variability and, after the 12th century, to anthropogenic impacts. Since 1850 CE, productivity has been driven by nutrient availability.

Marie-Luise Adolph, Sambor Czerwinski, Mirko Dreßler, Paul Strobel, Marcel Bliedtner, Sebastian Lorenz, Maxime Debret, and Torsten Haberzettl

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on cp-2023-73', Anonymous Referee #1, 09 Nov 2023
    • AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Marie-Luise Adolph, 21 Dec 2023
  • RC2: 'Comment on cp-2023-73', Anonymous Referee #2, 09 Nov 2023
    • AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Marie-Luise Adolph, 21 Dec 2023
Marie-Luise Adolph, Sambor Czerwinski, Mirko Dreßler, Paul Strobel, Marcel Bliedtner, Sebastian Lorenz, Maxime Debret, and Torsten Haberzettl
Marie-Luise Adolph, Sambor Czerwinski, Mirko Dreßler, Paul Strobel, Marcel Bliedtner, Sebastian Lorenz, Maxime Debret, and Torsten Haberzettl


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Short summary
We studied large-scale atmospheric conditions and lake-level variations using lake sediments from Schweriner See, NE-Germany. For the past 3000 years, our results suggest large-scale variability in the North Atlantic Oscillation, which is one of the main drivers of climate in the North Atlantic region, affecting, for example, winter temperature and precipitation. Lake-level variability is linked to precipitation changes and after the 12th century to anthropogenic impacts.